4 Design Concepts to Create an Effective and Efficient Office

4 Design Concepts to Create an Effective and Efficient Office


Attracting the best people to work at your firm in Utah may require creating a fun environment that helps with productivity. More than ever, job seekers look for a firm with creativity, cooperation, and communication. These are almost becoming requirements, particularly for millennials but are becoming more of a desire for other ages. Here are ideas on how to best design your firm to attract the best employees.

1. Activity-Based but Flexible Firm

An activity-based workspace is where an employee can work anywhere that fits their current activity. So, if a task requires a lot of focus and concentration, they can find an isolated area in the office with fewer distractions. On the other hand, if you need collaboration, there are areas for groups to meet.

This type of environment goes along with a flexible workspace concept design for a firm in Utah. Desks, tables, and seats are easily movable and resizable. Some of these workspaces also don’t require specific seating arrangements so that employees can choose any desk or workstation on a given workday.

2. Creating a Home-Like Firm

Creating a Utah office design that looks like a home away from home is important with the amount of time spent at work. Adding sofas, ping pong tables, and foosball tables make the office as relaxing and stress-free as possible. These give places for workers to take short breaks to refresh their physical and mental stamina. They can recharge and stay productive during the day.

3. Comfortable Workstations

Sitting in your desk for extended periods may have adverse impacts on your health. To deal with this issue, firms are redesigning their Utah offices with more modern and ergonomic technologies. Chairs with adjustable support to your lower back, height-adjustable desks, or exercise ball chairs can all create a more comfortable work environment and better for your health.

4. Adding nature to your office

One effective thing firms can do to reshape their office is reconnecting people with nature called biophilic design. Biophilic design is based on people’s innate need to connect with nature, and that when this connection is created, it results in improved health, concentration, creativity, and work performance. You can do that by adding natural light, flowing water, plants, views of nature, and organic materials.

When designing your new office, you should know that people are comfortable both physically and mentally comfortable to perform to the best of their abilities.

Midwest Commercial Interiors is a office design firm in Utah creating amazing workspaces.

Edward Powell