Air Rifle Shooting Tips for Winter

Air Rifle Shooting Tips for Winter

Shooting is a great sport all year round, and can be enjoyed no matter what the weather and temperate is! However, this being said, when shooting in winter it is vital for shooters to understand all of the best tips and practices to ensure that they can shoot as successfully as possible whilst having fun!

If you are looking to go out shooting this weekend and want the best advice… keep on reading at your own peril!

Top Winter Shooting Tips

Quarry Location and Timing

A lot of winter shooting focuses of shooting grey squirrels, with grey squirrels incredibly easy to spot in winter landscapes. Therefore, if you are relatively new to winter shooting, grey squirrels may be your best bet also. When natural resources/food start to freeze and run dry, man-made sources such as pheasant feeders can work to attract squirrels, and also other animals including rats, corvids and even wood pigeon.

It is also important to properly time winter shooting, but don’t worry, timing can in fact be easier in winter than any other season. This is because wild creatures which feed by daylight hours have a much smaller window of opportunity to get their food – meaning shooters can narrow down their shooting windows accordingly also.

Dressing and Packing for the Cold Weather

When going out shooting in winter it is vital that shooters dress accordingly ensuring that they are not only layered up for warmth, but also that they have lightweight waterproofs on them for if it starts to rain. It is also important that they think about their heads, hands and feet more than ever before, ensuring that they are wearing the best possible boots, gloves and hats.

It is also very important for shooters to pack their bags properly when going out shooting in the cold weather, ensuring that they have plenty of food and water, their mobile phones and other items that may be required at any stage of shooting. Backpacks and bags for shooting are now available from the majority of shooting weapon and equipment suppliers.


If after reading this you are getting excited for winter shooting and want to ensure that you have all of the Walther air rifles and accessories needed to shoot well, we advise that you contact an online gun supplier today such as Solware who are always happy to assist the shooting community.

Solware is a leading online supplier of air rifles and air pistols, offering weapons from all of the world’s leading manufacturers including but not limited to Air Arms, Weihrauch, Browning Air rifles and Daystate. The company offer all of the industry’s best guns at the most competitive prices, and are only a phone call away should any of their customers have any questions.

Nicholas Jansen