Best Practices To Facilitate Effective Medical Waste Disposal Services

Medical wastes are materials used and discarded by most organizations involved in healthcare activities. These wastes are assumed to contain potentially harmful contaminants and thus handled carefully. Organizations such as hospitals, veterinarian offices, research labs, and the likes usually hire professionals who offer them medical waste disposal services to handle these harmful byproducts.
If these wastes are to be handled effectively though, here are a few things that the organizations generating them can do.
Best Practices That Health Care Facilities Should Adapt
The health care organizations producing these waste products play a big role in its proper disposal. Below are some steps that these organizations can take to ensure that the wastes are being handled properly;
Firstly, health care facilities should ensure that their staff are well acquainted with healthcare waste laws guiding the state. The staff must familiarize themselves with the guidelines of the bodies that are regulating healthcare waste and act in accordance with them whenever they are preparing, transferring, and disposing of hazardous waste.
Correct Classification
Medical wastes are basically classified in two; hazardous and non-hazardous waste. Care must be taken not to mix both as they required different treatments.
After the wastes have been classified, the hazardous waste must now be separated into categories. These categories include sharps, pharmaceuticals, chemical, and pathological. All hazardous medical wastes must be put into red bags and the sharps must be appropriately contained before being put in the bags.
Appropriate Containers
Depending on the category each waste falls under, there might be a need to put each category in separate containers. Some might go into certified cardboard boxes, and some others into special tubs. Each waste must be in their appropriate containers for effective disposal.
Securing the Containers
After the wastes have been contained the containers must be properly closed and kept in a secure dry area until they are picked up for transportation. In securing the containers, they must also all be properly labeled so those picking it up know what goes where.
Use A Color Code System
Health care facilities are encouraged to adopt and use a waste segregation color code system. This helps workers to easily identify which wastes goes into what container.
For most health care facilities, these are the color codes
Red – biohazard waste ad sharps (puncture-resistant container)
Yellow – chemical waste
Black – pharmaceutical waste
Blue – for every other waste
Containers bearing radioactive symbols are for radioactive wastes.
Find the Best Waste Disposal Company
All the above efforts would be put to waste if at the end, you hand your waste over to a company that offers terrible medical waste disposal services. The healthcare facility must thus make sure that the company they choose is perfect for them. The company must have all the licenses required to handle medical waste and their pickup schedule must be frequent enough to deal with the volume of medical waste that the healthcare facility generates.
It is important that healthcare facilities apply the best waste handling practice if they are to steer clear of any legal problems that might arise from waste mismanagement.