Buying Golf Course Maintenance Equipment – New, Used or Leased

Maintaining a golf course in top shape throughout the year is one of the toughest jobs in the field maintaining the sports arena. Honestly, maintaining a golf course is not only an art but also an exact science. Keeping a golf course at par with professional standards requires an eye for detail, as there are several requirements that have to be sufficed. Right from the height of the turf, roughs, and greens along with fairways. Therefore, it is imperative for the crews in charge of maintaining the golf course to use the best equipment to discharge their responsibilities within a stringent deadline.
The point of contention in this piece of writing revolves around two choices when purchasing the needed equipment. First, whether one should lease or buy the needed machinery. Secondly, if buying is the way to go about should you prefer to used turf equipment or new tools?
Used or New Turf Equipment
Investing in golf course maintenance equipment is a costly affair. Unless you have a large amount of free capital, you will end up taking out a loan in order to purchase new machines. Still, when you purchase the latest models, it is highly improbable that the machines will need some serious troubleshooting right from day one. In other words, you can hope not to have many problems for several years down the road. Remember there are other options available also.
In comparison to new models, used turf equipment for sale will have a more affordable price tag. On the other side, maintenance and repairs may be a serious concern for used turf equipment. However, the monthly savings will compensate for the added expense. Big machines and mowers have the durable built quality and they will last a long time even if they are bought used.
Lease or Buy
It is a common dilemma, which people faces particularly when checking out a new car. However, when the crewmembers in charge need to equip themselves with a maintenance fleet consisting of tools for their trade taking a comprehensive decision is a tough call.
When you lease equipment, you do not have to worry about obsolescence. On the expiration of the lease terms, you can get hold of the latest equipment on a renewed contract. It is a big boost and relief for the crews, as they do not have to worry about obsolete models knowing that they are having the latest technology and machinery in their disposition. However, it is important to keep in mind that the basic piece seldom changes or is manipulated with time. Taking into account the current state of technology that the best of golf course equipment have an earth mower or a turf mower will offer revolutionary breakthroughs in the catalog of its offered amenities. Hence, making a resolve to purchase equipment may prove to be better in many cases.
Honestly, the decision to buy or lease is highly variable and circumstantial. For instance, in comparison to leasing payment loan payments are expensive. However, at the end of the loan period, the crews have to get their job done with the same equipment that stays on the golf course. If the mowers and other equipment are well maintained they will gracefully serve you for many years and you do not have to worry about monthly payments. At the end of the day, if financial flexibility is a concern then surely it turns out to be a better option as the crew will be paying the expenses while the equipment is in active use, instead of making monthly payments even when the equipment is left unused in the shed.
Analogous to renting versus buying a home, with the passage of every year the net worth of owned assets increases in comparison to rental agreements or new lease.