Changes in our next flight’s schedule from Madrid. Stuck on the city for hours!

It is a quite common situation in an airport: maybe a delay or a change on the flight’s schedule got you some unexpected (and often unwanted) extra hours of staying in town as you’ll have to wait until your next flight arrives. Many users tend to wander around the airport, read a few pages of that book that accompanies them on their trip, buy some presents from those (usually expensive) airport shops for tourists, and so on…
But what if this happened in such a beautiful place as Madrid? Europe Certainly has many beauty to offer for its guests, but even thought Madrid certainly is one of its biggest cities, it also happens to offer a whole package of beauty and entertainment for its visitors, making it much easier (maybe even get to be enjoyable) to wait for that delayed Madrid transfer of yours.
What to do now?
As one of Spain’s (and Europe’s) most touristic and populated cities and capitals, Madrid certainly offers quite a wide range of choices for its visitors. A simple internet search for inexpensive cab services can open the gates for a visitor who wants to expend a nice time downtown as the flight arrives in too many hours just to be wandering around the airport as the city’s downtown is just about 30 minutes away.
Do you want to have a drink or a good meal? it would be a nice idea to ask your cab driver to take you to one of those famous restaurants in Madrid’s downtown, where you can try local delicacies with that traditional Spanish flavor that can only be found in these kind of places (usually way less expensive than those restaurants in the airport). This might be and excellent opportunity for trying out that famous Rebujito or that peculiar Queimada that are as Spanish as eating a good Paella.
It is also a nice chance to take pictures of those “must see” locations of the city, such as the Royal Palace (even thought current royalty doesn’t live there anymore) where you can view an extensive collection or armory and art exhibition with a complete guidance for tourists. Maybe a stop at Queen Sofía Arts Centre will do for those who are in love with classical art’s beauty, exerting a collection with some of the world’s most famous artists creation, including some of Picasso’s masterpieces. Even at a open place like Plaza Mayor (main square) or Puerta del Sol (Gate of the sun) would be an amazing place to take that instagram friendly picture from that time you got stuck on Madrid for hours…and loved it.