Five Disguised Expenses You Should Check

Five Disguised Expenses You Should Check

Detecting these unnecessary expenses is the first step to eliminate them and clean up our personal finances.

In this article, we list the most common expenses that may seem necessary, but are completely expendable. Do you waste your money on any of these disguised ant expenses?

Meals At Your Workplace

Plan both your meals and snacks to buy everything you need in the super market, since in many self-service establishments or corner stores the prices are usually higher. If you tend to crave coffee, bring yours already prepared or buy a large pot of coffee to prepare in the office.

Cell Plan

Have you checked if your cell plan is really adequate for your needs? Some people pay a monthly fee to have unlimited access to social networks and the internet when they generally use WiFi at home or at work. Analyze if prepaid cards are a better option for your pocket so you don’t begin to search for local lenders online.

Credit Cards And Installment Credits

The credit card can be responsible for many expenses. On the one hand, there are the commissions for the use of plastic and the withdrawal of cash in ATMs of other banks; and, on the other hand, the interest for late payments and other penalties, in addition to the irresponsible use of the months without interest. Please note that department store credits should be used exclusively for purchases that are necessary, not for cravings or luxury items.

Commissions For Payment Of Services In Authorized Establishments

The payment of services in authorized establishments such as water, electricity, telephone, among others, generates very small commissions that, throughout the year, could become a significant amount. Avoid these revenue leaks by making payment online or by going directly to the service branch.

The Use Of The Car In All Your Outings

Having the car as the only means of transport can generate not one, but several ant expenses that you have not considered, such as parking lots, parking meters, flannels, in addition to the costs of gasoline, repairs and maintenance.

Before taking out your car, analyze how necessary it is to use it. If there is the possibility of making the journey by bicycle or by public transport, better leave your car parked at home.


David Lockhart