How does the eye work?
Have you ever felt curious about how the eye works? The eye is a rather complicated mechanism, but when it works effectively, we are able to see and experience the world around us fully. Here’s a basic guide to how the eye works.
The cornea is referred to as “the window of the eye,” because that’s where light enters it. The cornea refracts light bending the rays, so they pass freely through the pupil, which is an opening in the center of the iris.
Think of the iris like the shutter of a camera – it can enlarge and shrink according to how much light is entering the eye at any given moment.
After light goes through the iris, it passes through the eye’s natural crystalline lens, which also enlarges and shrinks to focus the light rays well in order for the person to see properly.
Then the light goes through the gel-like vitreous before reaching the retina. In a healthy eye, the retina processes light through millions of tiny nerve endings (electrical impulses) to the optic nerve.
The retina’s other essential function is to protect the eye from particles which could contaminate it and inhibit vision.
Even small scars on the cornea and other parts can cause dramatic impacts on vision. Optometrists check every aspect of the eye to find sources of vision problems and other issues, such as diabetes, which can be detected early when eyes are examined.