How PMR Place Works for You

The acronym PMR means “Person with reduced mobility”. This is a very broad concept, which brings together many realities: it concerns people with disabilities but also people who are hampered in their movements and their movements in general.
How to define this term?
When to use it and what situations does it involve? We give you in this article the definition of a PMR.
What does PMR mean?
The terms “person with a disability” and “person with reduced mobility” are not synonymous, the term PMR is broader and includes all people who have difficulty moving in an unsuitable environment. To Place PMR this is important to know.
A person with reduced mobility is any person hampered in his movements and movements so temporary or permanent, whether due to:
- Its size
- His condition (illness, overweight)
- His age
- Permanent or temporary disability
- The objects or people it carries
- The devices or instruments she must use to move
Many factors can therefore intervene: motor disability, but also blindness, deafness, pregnancy, injury, transporting a child using a stroller, using a suitcase or even difficulties understanding the language.
For these people, each trip can be a difficulty if the arrangements requested by law are not made. These situations considerably reduce equal opportunities in daily life.
Current demographic studies establish that in European countries, over the next 50 years, the proportion of elderly people will increase from 15 to 30% of the population with a tripling of the number of people over 80 and a doubling of people aged over 65 years .
What is a handicap?
The definition of disability is different from the meaning of the term PMR. A disability, on the other hand, is a limitation of activity due to an impairment of one or more functions . The concept of disability brings together several forms of impairment:
- Motor handicap
- The visually impaired l
- The hearing disability
- Psychological handicap
- Mental handicap
We now inform you about the different types of disability in its section Understanding different disabilities, giving you the keys to help people with disabilities and understand what difficulties they encounter on a daily basis.
Woman in wheelchair
Why make your ERP accessible to PMRs?
The law of 11 February 2005 for equal rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship for people with disabilities thus requires establishments open to the public to allow access to the building for people with disabilities and PMRs but also to the ‘all the services offered to the public valid.
Everyone in their lifetime has been able to experience a situation that has resulted in reduced mobility. Making your ERP accessible to people with reduced mobility is therefore both allowing people with disabilities to access it but also all of your public when they are in one of the situations mentioned above.