How to Reduce Your Dog’s Anxiety In A Dog Boarding Kennel

How to Reduce Your Dog’s Anxiety In A Dog Boarding Kennel

So you have done all your research and have selected the best dog kennel Melbourne for your four-legged friend.

You have done all the essentials – toured the place, brought your dog along to prepare it ahead, asked all the right questions, and gotten all the right answers.

Still, having the best dog boarding facilities do not mean that your beloved pup will not feel anxious when you’re away. It may feel scared and nervous, after all, it has spent most of its time with you all this while!

Don’t fret yet – most dogs will experience a certain degree of anxiety when being away from their home. There are a few things you can do to reduce the stress and anxiety that your dog may feel when staying at a dog boarding establishment.

  1. Bring something from home. Having their bedding/blanket/toys or even just one of your tshirt around will bring immense comfort to their wellbeing. The familiarity will greatly reduce their anxiety levels, thereby soothing and calming them in this whole new environment.
  2. Give your dog something to chew on. Bring his favourite toy along as the act of chewing releases neurotransmitters in the brain which helps dogs relax. Even if toy-chewing is not a habit your dog has built on to, it might help him to relax during your absence. Our favourites are Kong and Nylabone, if you need some suggestions.
  3. Keep your dog on its regular diet. Many may not know this, but switching up your pet’s food while it is already stressed can exacerbate any gastro-intestinal issues. So ditch the food supplied by the facility and prepare your own instead. A good boarding kennel will accommodate to your feeding requirements – consider another one if they don’t!
  4. Stay emotionally calm and collected yourself. As a dog owner, you probably already know that our four-legged best friend is extra sensitive to our feelings and emotions. If you are emotionally unstable yourself, they are able to feel it which does not help with alleviating their anxiety levels at all. So stay upbeat, allow plenty of time to drop off your pet or have someone do it all for you. You know it will be in good hands after all!

The above tips should help your dog (and you!) relax a little more while you are away. Contrary to belief, dog boarding can be a pleasant experience for both pup and owner – when you find the right one. Check out Mr Woofles if you’d like a dog boarding centre that will help your dog ease into boarding life much smoother in a comfortable and stress-free way.




Nicholas Jansen