How To Work Lower Abs To Improve Performance?
From getting out of bed to walking down the street and bending over to grab your purse, your core muscles play a huge role in your everyday activities. It is because your core muscles are the base of support for your entire body. This group of muscles surrounds your spine and pelvis, connecting your upper body with lower body and effectively transferring forces from one to the other. Although training your core is it self challenging process, But one of the group make it even more complicated and generally people completely forget this muscle group i.e., the Lower Abs.
Differentiate the Lower Abs:
Many people ignore the need for training of their lower abs. It is due to they can’t differentiate their lower abs. It is a big misconception that upper abs and lower abs are unique muscles, performing a combined function of spine flexion. Lower abs and upper abs form the Rectus Abdominis, which is, in fact, one muscle. But actually, Rectus Abdominis has eight different sources of innovations, which means that eight different nerves can individually send a different message to these muscles. But there is a difference that Lower Abs can be activated while moving, but the Upper Abs can be activated while resting and vice versa.
So it’s known now that even Lower Abs and Upper Abs are parts of the same muscles, they can be used in different tasks. Lower abs mostly affect the lower back (lumbar spine) while upper Abs mostly work on the upper back (thoracic spine). Ab roller wheel help a lot to do abs workouts.
Hip Flexor and Lower Abs:
Hip flexors are the muscles that help you bend at the waist and lift your knees. Their attachment to the spins makes them an essential part of core muscles and spinal stabilizers. When we sit for a long time, it causes many problems in hip flexors like lower back pain, knee joint discomfort, imbalance of muscle strength, posture problems, and often a difference in leg length. Doing plank exercise is recommended because it put less strain on your hip flexor and spine. Planks are also useful for your back, glutes, hamstrings, arms, and shoulders at the same time. Sometimes you do not need hip flexors as much as you use them in ab exercises. Hip flexors are a strong group of muscles, and they try to take over, so you end up working your hips flexors more than your abdominal muscles. Some people have weak ab muscles, and when they do hip flexion, ab muscles are damaged, which sometimes cause bloating in their intestines. You have to get involved in the abs as much as you can to keep the hip flexors from taking over.
How to work out for lower abs?
You must take care of two things, scars and nutrition, before starting your work out. To deal with a blemish, you need to massage it a few minutes affected areas. The massage reactivates and connects the brain to the area. And for nutrition, you should stop taking those foods which create bloating in your abdominal area.
So as per the above information, it is clear that how these two parts are functionally different from each other, and so you need to train these parts separately.
Once you have down with the steps as mentioned earlier you need to do a few simple exercises for your lower abs;
Side plank with reach through;
Start with a side plank position such that your left forearm is on the ground while your feet stacked on each other. Stretch your right arm straight upward. Now draw the right hand toward the left underarm such that your body curls forward, and your shoulders are parallel to the ground. Return and repeat the exercise for 30 sec.
Hollow hold with V-Sit;
Start this workout by lying face-up on the mat. Lift your head and shoulders upward and lift your feet off the floor while you stretch your arms forward. This is your hollow hold position. Now engage your abs to lift chest towards legs as you bend knees so that the body is in V- shape, and shins parallel to the floor. It’s done! Slowly turn back to the hollow hold position and repeat the same process for a few times.
Diagonal Mountain Climber:
A diagonal mountain climber does not need special equipment, and you can perform it at any place you want. It provides a full-body workout, which leads to fat loss. They also improve cardio performance, agility, and endurance. It also offers upper-body benefits, including your chest, shoulders, and triceps. Few exe are as effective as it means you can do diagonal mountain climbers for a quick and effective workout.
Straight Leg Up:
This exercise burns lower abs like fire by involving big muscle groups. Lie down on the floor with face up and feet in the air. Now stretch your legs such that your legs are at a 90° angle to your body. Rest your plans down at the sides. Use the core to pulse legs straight up towards the ceiling. Lift your butt off the floor and push weight into hands. Lower your back and repeat this workout for a few minutes.
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