PTA Fundraising Ideas Using Performing Arts

Nowadays, school funds are getting tighter when we speak about performance art in academies or universities. Such a problem they are facing are:
- Scarcity of budget for purchasing a new musical instrument
- Insufficient fund for upgrading and repairing of musical instrument
- Lack of funds for implementing new theater hall
- Old and overused uniforms for the school bands
But worry no more because PTA or Parents-Teacher Association will formulate fundraising ideas that are related to art. So without further ado, here are some fundraising ideas that will generate income for your school. To learn more about the best fundraising methods, you can check out Fundraising Zone.
1.Organize a Theater Night
Since local productions of amateur and professional theaters are having a hard time selling out their performance in the market, you can make a solution out of this problem. Approach any production companies and ask if you could buy an entire schedule performance at a very reasonable price. Then, set up your PTA team to gather and organize a theater night event in your school auditorium or gymnasium. Ensure that the venue is massive enough to accommodate a large number of people.
Once the venue and the stage productions are all set and done, it’s time to schedule the theatrical show. Resell the tickets to your communities. It is also advisable to state the reason why you organize such charity works. For instance, you host a local theater show, and all the donations will proceed to the school of arts to improve their old musical instruments.
2.Arrange a Band Concert Event
Hosting a band concert is a great and fun event for everyone. It provides a win-win situation on both sides. You will pay some money for them in exchange for their service while generating more funds for the benefits of your school.
Search for a big venue that can accommodate huge crowds. Then, organize your PTA members to plan for the said charity event. Check if you have a PTA member that can play musical instruments and can accommodate to sing and can be a lead vocalist. You may also check if you have prospective students that have the potential to be a boy band group.
However, if you didn’t meet the above requirements, then you can search for a local band in your community and arrange a profit agreement during the concert event. In this way, you don’t need to pay advance cash, and the fee will only depend on the number of audiences. If the local band agrees with your terms and condition, then your fundraising event is ready to go.
- Set up a Classical Piano Concert Event
Classical piano concerts are indeed very relaxing for everyone, especially to adult people who want to cope up with their daily stress and anxiety. So, utilize this kind of event to raise some funds for your charitable organization.
First, create a local audition at your school to check if you have talented students who can play a piano musical. Then, gather your team to set up an excellent place for the concert. It is advisable to select an indoor venue for the musical show so that you can easily hear the beautiful sound of the piano.
Sell tickets to the people who want to experience peaceful sounds, and the total earnings that you raise will donate directly to the school upgrade.
- Karaoke Fundraising Event
If you want a casual and easy fundraising event, then start renting a karaoke, and let’s have a singing party! Karaoke events are one of the best ways to raise money for your school. All you have to do is to charge an entrance fee for this event. You may sell some popcorn and soft drinks to the partygoers. This idea will add to your total charity funds. Selling some CDs can be another option if you want to reach your target funds.
During this event, you can effortlessly get lots of donations. For example, you will pay some money if you want to sing, or you will give some money if you don’t want to sing. How about donating some money to nominate others to sing?
Lastly, you can organize on the spot singing competitions. All you have to do is to select ten participants from the audience. Whoever gets the highest score from the karaoke screen will win.
These are some of the fundraising ideas that you can fulfill using different forms of art. It is easy, fun, and at the same time, will help you a lot in reaching your target goals for the upgrading of your school performing art.