Test: Sky3DS+, the best flashcard for Nintendo 3DS?

Presentation of Sky3DS +
The Sky3DS+ is a flashcard developed by the Sky3DS team, which has been proven for many months now. The team specializes in flashcards that could be described as “ready to use”. Let me explain: for some flashcards competitors, we must perform many manipulations to be able to operate the product, while here, simply copy/paste its games on the micro SD you then insert into the cartridge. The Sky3DS+ is compatible with all Nintendo 3DS models as well as the Nintendo 2DS, in all firmware released to date.
The flashcard is offered for just over 70€ and it comes in very simple packaging for once, which is similar to that of the previous version.
The flashcard is provided without a Micro SD card, so you will have to think about buying one to use the Sky3DS. Anyway, on this new version, we find some novelties. First of all, complete the linker with one and the same button, where to scroll through the games one by one you have to press in a loop. From now on, there are two buttons: next and previous. Finally! It was a big black spot in the old version … now, we can go back and save time in our search. And second big novelty (and probably the most interesting): the appearance of a micro USB port on the cartridge directly, so you can connect directly to the computer. But what is probably the most pleasant is that it is no longer necessary to use a software (in this case “Diskwriter”) to copy his games.
In other words, on paper, the Sky3DS+ has everything to please and has no defect. In addition, the linker is finally compatible with 3DS homebrews.
Ready to go
Previously, you had to download software and a file named “template” in order to make the cartridge compatible with all the latest games. Now, nothing more simple: we put our micro SD into the Sky3DS + and plug it into the micro USB socket (and with the help of a cable, necessarily …) to our computer. Then we format the Micro SD card in Fat 32 format and go! If you want to follow a tutorial, the Sky3DS team website explains this in a tutorial to install its Sky3DS +. I add however that the write rate is really very low via the micro USB port of the cartridge. So, to copy a game of 1GO on your micro SD, it will take several very long minutes … It is clearly painful.
Once this is done. You can update the linker. To do this, simply download the latest update file on the Sky3DS site and copy/paste the file “firmware.bin” to the root of your micro SD card. At this point, the LED behind the cartridge turns red and then green. Once it is off (after about 10 seconds), it means that the cartridge is updated. All that remains is to copy your .3DS files on it or your homebrews. It is important to note that this linker is not Region Free. That is, for example, if you have a European console, you will only be able to play European games.
In-game, what is it?
To start, once you have copied your games on the micro SD and it is inserted in the linker, just put the cartridge in your console and turn on the latter. There, nothing more simple and like any traditional game, the first game of your list is recognized in the console. If it does not work right away (it can happen), do not panic: you must remove and reinsert the cartridge. Once done, just press an orange button (next or previous, whatever). Now, to scroll through your games, you can use these two orange buttons precisely, which are above the linker. It’s very simple and effective. Each time you press, the LED above the linker will blink to indicate that the cartridge is currently loading the new game. It takes about 5 seconds each time for the game change is effective after pressing on a button.
I do not have much more to report, everything works properly (provided you have a good micro SD, otherwise it can crash when you start games). Just choose a Micro SD card preferably from Class 10 to ensure that the read and write rate is sufficient to run the games correctly. Anyway, I did not encounter any problem with this Sky3DS and all my tests went well. Out of 11 games tested, I did not encounter a single problem with a particular game. In addition, I clearly appreciated the fact that this is the first linker so easy to use and accessible to everyone.
There is nothing to complain about, the Sky3DS+ is clearly the best linker currently available on Nintendo 3DS. Even more, need to bother with a Micro SD card reader, just plug the linker to the computer (with the Micro SD card inside of course)! In addition, finished using software to copy the games, now just drag and drop its .3DS files to copy to the Micro SD card. Today is the easiest linker to use and that is clearly a big plus. All the problems of Sky3DS version 2 are corrected with Sky3DS +, so what more? On the other hand, it is true that the price is a little abused currently because one finds it all the same to 70€ at the time when I write this test. Anyway, I can only recommend it in Love-gamecard. I also note once again the seriousness of the Sky3DS team and I do not doubt for a moment the follow-up of this last linker in the months to come with many updates, that’s for sure.