Types of Hernia in men: Are you at risk?

Heavy weight lifting is not the only condition that gives rise to hernia in men. It’s a medical condition that can also happen due to simple exercising, straining while passing stools, coughing or just by involving in regular physical activities. A hernia happens due to weakness in muscles and tissues in the abdomen area. This weakness can be a result of any natural gap in the digestive tubes or scar tissues, or because of the blood vessel.
A hernia is a very common issue found among men. The feeling of hernia is like something that has nipped or swelled abnormally. There are different types of hernia seen in a male body. Let’s have a look at some of them:
- Inguinal Hernia – Inguinal hernias can also be divided into two different types. They can be either direct or indirect. This hernia occurs at the lower abdomen portion, which is near the public area or exactly above the leg crease. A bilateral inguinal hernia is a condition in which the lump occurs at both sides of the public area. This condition basically happens when the intestine bulges downwards the canal and directly into the scrotum.
- Femoral Hernia – Though this type of hernia is more common in women, men can also suffer from this. This condition occurs due to a significant weakness in the groin area that allows the intestinal sac to come into the femoral canal. If you or any of your loved one is experiencing such issues, make sure you immediately consult with an experienced doctor.
- Umbilical Hernia – This type of hernia generally occurs near the belly button or navel area. An umbilical hernia happens, when umbilical cord vessels weaken naturally over a period of time. This condition can happen to any person irrespective of their age group or profession. If you are an adult and experiencing any swelling around your navel area, consult with a doctor immediately, as this condition is known to get worsened over time.
- Epigastric Hernia – Epigastric hernia is nothing but lumps of fat or intestine. This condition happens due to a gap, weakness, or an opening in the tissues of the upper abdominal wall. Its usual location lies between the umbilicus and breast bone.
- Hiatal Hernia – If you are experiencing symptoms like acid reflux, heartburn, pain between the chest cavity and abdominal muscles, you might be suffering from Hiatal hernia. It’s crucial to consult the doctor immediately to avoid any severe consequences later on. This condition occurs because of the weakness in the diaphragm which separates the chest cavity and abdominal tissues.
- Ventral Hernia – If you have recently or in the past undergone a surgical procedure, you are prone to ventral hernia. This type of hernia takes place when scar tissue or muscles weaken the abdominal wall after surgery. This is a common type of hernia in men.
- Obturator Hernia – This is a rare hernia condition, which occurs in the pelvic floor. The abdominal or pelvic contents bulge through the obturator foramen. Though women are more vulnerable to this condition, men too can contract this disorder. A person who has recently shed a lot of weight is more prone to obturator hernia.
If you are experiencing any of the above-mentioned symptoms, you are at risk of developing a hernia. Make sure you connect with a doctor the moment you identify any unusual symptoms.