Visual learning environment and its various forms

Visual learning environment and its various forms

Visual learning environment can be defined to that type of educational system which offers digital based solutions to the educators and it mainly aims to provide creative, interactive and active learning environment. Virtual learning environment (VME) is an online platform in which digital solutions are offered to the students and instructors for enhancing the learning experience. In the past, face-to-face learning was the only option to avail education but now with the advent of many innovative technologies you can even learn and earn educational degrees sitting comfortably at your home. These types of learning in which you do not have to face your teachers or instructors are called as virtual learning or online learning. Unlike face-to-face learning, in virtual learning you have to utilize both computers and Internet and it mainly takes place in an online environment. In this kind of teaching the teachers and students remain physically separated. 

Various form visual learning environment

Visual learning environment has many forms and some of the essential ones are described as follows:

  • E-learning: E-learning is a concept of learning in which you use electronic technologies for learning or teaching. The e-learning activities can take place online either completely or partially. 
  • Web-based learning: Web-based learning is simply called as online learning and it involves the appropriate use of technology. Web-based learning includes online course content and teachings in web-based courses are done through discussion forum, video conferencing, live lectures, etc.   
  • Distance learning: There are many renowned universities which offer distance learning courses on various subjects and all those distance learning courses are conducted in a virtual learning environment. Distance learning courses are mostly conducted with the help of electronic study content that is designed for self-placed or live web-conferencing. However, distance learning does not necessarily means that you have to use electronic or web-based technologies. It simple means learning from a distance or you can say that in this type of learning the participants such as teachers and students are physically separated from each other. 

How visual learning is taking over the face-to-face learning?     

Visual learning environment helps the teachers, instructors and professors to create, store and disseminate the content, prepare and plan the courses and lessons and then foster the communication between students and professors in the form of emails and discussions in the real time. Visual learning environment has always remained a part of Learning Management System of many higher educational institutions. Unlike physical class and face-to-face learning virtual leaning harness technology for supplement an in-class experience. Since educators are experiencing the same quality of education in virtual learning environment and that too at a very cost-effective rate it is obvious for then to prefer the virtual learning courses than that of the face-to-face classes. With digital communication, interaction, quizzes and polls that run through the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) students gets all the facilities that can get in face-to-face class and hence more and more students has started taking admission in online educational course. This is how virtual learning is taking over face-to-face learning.         

David Lockhart