What pieces of evidence do you need to file a personal injury compensation claim?

What pieces of evidence do you need to file a personal injury compensation claim?

Insurance companies will hardly give in to your compensation claim unless you have tangible evidence that faults them if they fail to do so. In other words, your evidence must demonstrate how your injuries are as a result of a specific accident that was caused because of someone else’s liability or negligence. The evidence must also prove that the sustained injuries were a result of the aforementioned accident. That is why we recommend retaining a reputable PG County car accident lawyer to help prepare witness statements and presentation of all the pieces of evidence before a trial jury. Remember, it will also help to get a lawyer whose allegiance to the defendants isn’t compromised so that he/she can argue in your favor.  

So, what are the prevalent pieces of evidence that you should watch out for before filing a personal injury claim? Well, they include but aren’t limited to the following:

  • Photographs from the accident scene

Photographs from the accident scene can be obtained from either the police or witnesses who immediately made it to the scene after the accident occurred. If you hadn’t lost consciousness, you might have also captured some footage with your mobile phone. These photographs and footage will help your lawyer paint the accident scene to the judge and the jury to determine who was on the wrong side just before the accident happened. They will also help to clear your name if at all any third-party wants to turn the blame on you.

  • Notes regarding the accident particulars

The accident notes can also be obtained from the police and will be used to substantiate and authenticate the information portrayed by the above photographs and footage. Remember, there are high chances that the defense may coach witnesses to try and swing the court to rule in their favor by throwing off the case. In that case, your attorney will use the notes as a point of reference when cross-examining defense witnesses.

  • Medical records and doctor’s notes

Even before going to your place to take a shower, it is advisable that you visit a nearby clinic so that a doctor can examine and evaluate the extent of your injuries. A doctor’s medical notes will explain the situation in which you arrived at the hospital and how the injuries were inflicted. Moreover, other medical records such as prescription notes and receipts will prove to the court that the injuries are a financial burden to you, especially if it means getting specialized medical care. 

  • Physical evidence

Lastly, you might also want to look at any kind of physical evidence that places you at the accident scene when it occurred and proves that damages and injuries were sustained. For instance, presenting blood-stained clothes will prove to the court that open injuries were sustained. On the other hand, presenting broken items, even the little ones, will help the jury believe and understand that you were involved in a high-impact accident.

Having the above pieces of evidence in advance brings you closer to winning that compensation claim. However, they’ll only be useful if they are preserved and untampered with throughout the case proceedings. 

Bonnie Baldwin