Who should file a false claims act?

Have you been in a situation where you have been defrauded by an agency that was supposed to be representing an agency of the federal government? These are cases where individuals feel their information was compromised without their knowledge that had adverse effects. If you’ve encountered this or a similar situation, it may be time to file a claim under the False Claims Act.
Who can file a False Claims Act?
A whistleblower is someone who files a false claims act. If you are considered a whistleblower, your complaint will be reviewed in a United States district court and you will be protected with anonymity while the allegations are being investigated.
For instance, if your information was compromised while attempting to get health insurance under the Healthcare Marketplace, you may be eligible to file a claim on the basis of fraudulent behavior from an agency representing the government.
This could be someone who unknowingly had medical reimbursement claims submitted to the government for payment without actually receiving those services.
How to act
Employees of an agency who witness this type of behavior should immediately file a claim to receive whistleblower protection. They are protected from retaliatory acts of discrimination, harassment, suspension or termination of employment as a result of them reporting the fraud.
Getting legal assistance is key in ensuring all protections are put in place. There is a statute of limitations for whistleblowers, which could impact whether a claim can be pursued. The key is reporting this information as soon as possible under the guidance of counsel.