Why do you need laser tools for domestic use?

While the child in me still love to associate laser with the Death Star in Star Wars, the use of laser is becoming more popular than ever. And more people are buying laser tools for domestic use cases. Buy why would you need lasers in your home?
Clearing misconceptions
Firstly, the laser that we are talking about here is not those that can destroy a planet though it is used by the USA. Rather, the “lasers” is not actually “lasers” in “laser tools”. No, it is not false claims. These tools emit a high strength light beam that can reach up to 300 metres for aligning objects in an extensive distance that rulers or bubble level cannot compete.
Although all laser tools on offer in Australia have to pass safety standards, there are still certain risks in using laser tools, especially under prolonged staring into the light source. Therefore, these tools are named “laser tools” to remind the potential danger for improper usage. But, in general, laser tools are safe for domestic uses for adults. But it should be kept away from infants and kids.
Possible domestic use cases
So, let’s use laser levels to align a shelf.
Well, that’s a bit extra, isn’t it? I would say it depends on the situation. While buying a laser level just to mount one bookshelf is way too serious, you might want to consider using one for extremely long shelfs or separate bookshelves that need to be aligned.
Because of the accuracy of laser level and the distance from the light, laser levels are hugely beneficial even for some D.I.Y. projects. Improper alignments are significantly more noticeable in longer distances. And if longer shelves are not balanced properly, the extended period of stress upon one side could weaken the structural integrity in shorter time than the manufacturers claim.
More reasonable use cases
If you are those who prefer to take home fixing matter into your own hands, laser levels could bring more benefit than you think.Taking building a coffee table as an example, using a ruler to draw a line often require huge attention or the line will go astray. A laser alignment tool, however, can “shine” a line for extended length for easier alignment.
Even when I do occasional case mods to computer cases, I also rely on laser tools to align two spots on different panels that I need to drill through. And I find laser tools are exceptionally helpful for aligning between two different objects, as compared to the effort required in using the good old ruler.
You do not need to look for expensive laser tools to do most of the amateur DIY works. A cross line laser level with a clip mount or a tripod can do the job most of the time. Sometimes you might also need a laser receiver as well. But if you are working on bigger projects, an affordable rotary laser level could be a better option. Despite the bigger range of variation and lack professional features link auto levelling, it should be good for most of the work you want to do at home.