Why is a dedicated server plan beneficial for growing businesses today?

Be it a huge or a new business setup, they are all faced with a flotilla of options when it comes to selecting a hosting solution for their site, data, and e-mail. There is one cost-effective option that is a shared hosting plan, here through a single server a huge number of sites and users will have access to the resources that it supplies.
Yet if what you are looking out for is greater flexibility, reliability, and power for your site, then there is nothing better than a dedicated server. Here the server and its resources will be exclusively used by your site and none. It comes with higher security measures and you can customize the RAM, CPU, and also the space of the disc as per the needs of your site and business.
Why should you opt for a dedicated server by WeHaveServers and what are its benefits?
Resources are never shared
With a dedicated server, every power, bandwidth, resource, and even storage is only used by you alone and not shared with a second party. Not only this provides more space and flexibility for your business to expand as it needs but provides your site more safety. Your site stays safe from getting attacked by hackers or viruses. You also no need to get bothered about resources being hogged up by other sites. All of this does hugely decrease the performance of a site.
Customizable and flexible
With a dedicated server, you can customize software and hardware as and how that would work best for your company. Hard drive, memory, disc space, even CPU can get customized as well as upgraded in this kind of hosting plan. You will not have to stay limited to a list of software assigned to you as in the case of a shared hosting plan.