World’s first bulldog memorabilia museum online rebuild
Hi readers I’m Eiffion and I’m from the world’s first ever bulldog memerobilia and antiques website, showcasing over 5000 English bulldog related pieces, colkectibulldogs also has 3 awards for article writing and originality we also have an endorsement a professional boxer called Gary o Sullivan.
The website has been live now for four years and with our DA being just 32 we decided it was time for a rebuild, now we do not sell the English bulldog memerobilia and it’s all collected and curated just like a proper museum does, the rebuild with new layout and content should help Google and MOZ to rank us better.
Social media, SEO, a new home page it all needs an overhaul and I’ve invested my own money into this social enterprise in the making, I run the website and buy the antiques I created the website myself and then found out I’m the only website in my niche, yes there’s bulldog collectors around the world but none have taken their passion further than display cabinets.
Two memories I’ll remember from the website now it’s going one was the exhibition I created at Brighton Museum in 2017 it was a world first but also the URL backlink I was given by this protected of servers is council website and IP address, collectibulldogs
Bulldog memerobilia museum and much more
As stated the websites being rebuilt, partly in the hope our domain authority rises but also to look as modern as today’s websites we felt our first attempt was ok but a site with over 5000 images 370 articles and nearly 1600 blog comments we need to shrink down the website considerably, hope more pages will get seen this way too.
I’ve finished the content write ups and now I’ve bought the Nikon A1000 I can complete my raw format photography, the Nikon was nearly four hundred English pounds, its size and modern look though is the kind you can take to the beach or a day out and would be quite happy packed away in your bag, we were going for the Panasonic Lumix yet bridge cameras feel too chunky.
I live in the city of Brighton in the uk and Believe it or not I’ll get more interest for one of England’s greatest canine brains from visitors just like yourself from across the world most of the city that are living do not even know that there is the worlds largest bulldog memorabilia collection right under their noses.
RELAUNCH! This is my plan to get local interest in my venture this comes in the form of a press release facilitated by Brighton Museum and lots of local advertising, there’s so many stories and misconceptions about the bulldog breed we offer factual content and evidence on different topics regarding the bulldog breed.
Lastly and thank you
I’m not going to give the surprise away to early but for those that wish to muse collectibulldogs may I please suggest you check us out soon, that way when upon your return you’ll be gobsmacked as to just how different the website will look.
Until it’s built the original will stay live I have a 3D printer I want to incorporate into my project and I’m getting into Virtual reality, a brilliant idea for connecting with others and advertising collectibulldogs on the many apps utilised by the oculus quest, I love to use new technologies best I can.
So now you’ve heard of collectibulldogs you can find us on Twitter with over two hundred thousand followers we are on YouTube instagram Facebook LinkedIn, where ever there’s a format with a chance to build connections you can guarantee that collectibulldogs is on that format.
Wishing you all a great summer I’ll leave you now knowing of a new niche an educational with fun and free PDF and ebook giveaways, please visit us anytime and comments can be made through our blog article section I’d love it if I got a message or two from here, to the owner collectibulldogs thanks you for this guesting opportunity.