Five Money Mistakes To Avoid In Your 20s

Five Money Mistakes To Avoid In Your 20s

Financial planning is challenging when you are in your 20s. You are young and excited to be earning money on your own. At the same time, there’s an avalanche of bills to pay as well as countless people to impress. According to Financial planning Sydney experts, while most of these things might look like good “investments”, your funds are not as limitless and bountiful as you think. This is why you must, by all means, dodge these common money mistakes.

Marrying or proposing too big

A-listers and celebrities propose and get married with all the fireworks and champagne. Their guest lists overflow, and so do the list of celebrity performers at their wedding. While it is tempting to “invest” in good memories, you must take a good look at your payslips before plunging head on. Unless you can promise yourself and your spouse that you would not have to pay off big loans in the next five or so years, better keep the wedding and the engagement simple but real. Invest instead in your future home, your kids’ education, and a stable health insurance.

Thoughtless educational plans

While some educational plans are good investments, you must not enroll in a major or a school just because everyone else seems to be doing it. If you must spend a hefty sum on education, make sure it fits into the big picture. Ask yourself if this is really the path you wish to pursue for at least half of your life. Will this kind of profession allow you independence and long term satisfaction? Do you have the agility and endurance to stick to that major until you march?

Taking too many loans

According to Financial Planning Sydney professionals, most young professionals get stuck in debts because they have overestimated their capacity to pay and they feel pressured by their peers to live large. Do not live large unless you can truly afford it. Most billionaires actually live well beyond their means. They forego labeled or trendy bags and clothing. They work more than they travel and they invest in stocks instead of purchasing sports cars. Be real with yourself. Just because you have a credit line doesn’t mean you need to take it at the slightest provocation. Take out loans conservatively. Save the loans for essential purchases and only if you know for certain you can pay it off.

Not saving up for the rainy day

Living from payslip to payslip can’t be helped but prioritizing a leather bag over saving more money for emergency funds could be detrimental to the success of your financial planning goals. Prioritize essentials and do not think you’re bulletproof. You must save up for emergencies because lady luck will not always be on your side. Things might be looking up now but that does not mean you need to throw all your money away on a trip to the Bahamas just to come back to nothing.

Forgetting about your retirement

You should already be saving up for your retirement as early as your 20s. You should, in fact, be doing this while your company covers your insurance, while you do not have kids to send off to school yet, and while your young body allows you to function without maintenance medicines. Don’t wait until you are 10 years away from your retirement before you begin your financial planning journey. Do not rely on just savings accounts as well. Put your money where interest rates are higher. It is also a good idea to invest in big money stocks. It might sound like a big risk, but these areas can protect your savings from inflation better than a regular savings account.

Nicholas Jansen