How to Avoid Roadside Emergencies When Repairing a Horse Trailer
Before you travel with your horses in a horse trailer, you should prepare for roadside emergencies. Here are some ways to avoid these emergencies:
Preparing for a trip with your horses in a horse trailer
If you plan to travel with your horses in a horse trailer, there are several factors that you should consider. Among these are the following. Proper ventilation is a key element, as heat is one of the biggest threats to the health of your equine passengers. You should install windows that slide open and roof vents that draw air when necessary. You may also want to purchase battery-operated fans for your trailer.
Before you pack your horses for a trip in a horse trailer, ensure that they are healthy and well-vaccinated. You should perform these vaccinations two to three weeks before you take them on your trip. You should also make sure that your trailer’s tires are in good condition. Lastly, check the trailer hitch, tires, and floor for any problems or injuries.
Aside from providing water and food to your horses at every stop, you should also check the temperature in the trailer. You should always keep the temperature in mind because overheating or under-hydrating your horses can cause colic and death. Watch out for the signs of equine dehydration – high heart rate, red mucous membranes, labored breathing. Also, you should start hydrating your horses the week before your trip to prevent dehydration.
Preventing roadside emergencies
The first step in preventing roadside emergencies when repairing a horse trailer is to carry a tool kit. You may find that the tool kit in your vehicle is adequate, but a tool kit specifically for repairing a horse trailer is highly recommended. It should include tools such as crescent spanners and screwdrivers. Other items you should include in your tool kit include strong tape, a good flashlight, and a reflective vest. These items may seem trivial, but they can be extremely useful if you need to escape a trailer in an emergency.
Make sure to keep a check on the horses during your trip. If they seem alright, you may want to feed them hay while you work. If you do come across a horse that is injured, you should immediately call a veterinarian. If you are unable to reach a qualified technician to perform the repair, the horse should be put in a stable, and the trailer should be towed to a safe location.
In the event that your horse is unhappy, try to ride another horse in a nearby pen. This way, the horses will get to know each other before traveling and can work out their differences before you arrive at your destination. It will help prevent roadside emergencies as well. Also, try socializing the horses in your trailer before they leave home. Taking them for a ride in a nearby stall is a good way to prevent any problems with the trailer.
Finding a good horse trailer repair shop
In a situation where your horse trailer needs repairs, it is important to know how to find a trustworthy, reputable repair shop. You may need to replace your tires in a hurry or you may need your trailer serviced before a hard freeze hits your region. A qualified repair shop can do both. The first step is to check the trailer’s tires. Tires may be worn, drily rotted, or unevenly inflated. These are common signs of a faulty tire or a blowout on the highway.
In order to keep your trailer in good working order, you should have yearly services done on it. A qualified repair shop will be able to fix all of these issues and give you peace of mind that your trailer is in safe hands. Performing regular maintenance is also important, as damage to the exterior can lead to longer-term concerns. A qualified horse trailer repair shop will be able to diagnose and repair any problems with your trailer, so you don’t have to worry about the safety of your animals.
When choosing a repair shop, take your horse trailer in for a thorough inspection. They should replace cracked or rusted metal and lubricate all hinges and springs. They should also inspect floorboards for rot or weakness. Make sure mats are properly lifted before a trip and clean the trailer’s floorboards. You should also lift them after each use, as it will prolong the life of your floors.