Tips for Crime Scene Cleaners to Prevent the Risk of Exposure to Blood Borne Pathogens

Tips for Crime Scene Cleaners to Prevent the Risk of Exposure to Blood Borne Pathogens

It is recommended that you take every necessary precaution when dealing with blood spills after a violent death or crime. No matter how closely related you are to the deceased, it is not enough excuse to start cleaning blood and other bodily tissues without protection. Failing to adhere to these rules puts you at the risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens like HIV, Hepatitis, MRSA, and other life-threatening biohazards. Crime scene cleaners provide blood spill cleanup service that has brought them in close shave with life-threatening viruses and microorganisms. If you ever need to clean blood from your premises, no matter how small, it is best to leave it to professionals who specialize in blood spill cleanup service

Whether you are an expert in dealing with crime scene cleaning, first aid respondent, or an individual who just loves to get busy while putting all safety measures in place, you should know what to do when dealing with bloodborne pathogens. 

Guidelines to Follow

In the case of a first aider, the first thing to do is to stop all forms of bleeding in injured victims. This may leave blood spills on the floor as well as the risk of having blood stains on your skin. If the injured victim is infected with life-threatening diseases, then you are likely to get infected as well. So, what safety precautions should you take when handling issues related to blood? 

  1. Treat all blood like it is infected. It is impossible to know which blood is infected or not without a blood test kit. More so, you should not handle any blood-stained item or injuries without first covering your hands. Be sure to have a pair of disposable gloves handy. Whether you are a first aider or crime scene cleaner, your risk of exposure to blood and other bodily fluids is high. So be sure to wear hand gloves made of high-quality material. 
  2. If any part of your body comes in contact with any of the contaminated material while rendering blood spill cleanup service, don’t hesitate to wash the affected skin area with soap and warm water. Wash the exposed spot for at least 20 seconds. 
  3. Dispose of gloves after use. This should be done in a proper way. 
  4. If you have any kind of injury, make sure they are properly covered before wearing any protective gear. 
  5. Avoid smoking, drinking, or eating at a crime scene or accident scene. 
  6. If your ears, nose, or mouth come in contact with tissues, blood, or bodily fluids, you should wash them with soap and water immediately. Doing this quick action helps reduce the risk of infection. 

Cleaning any surface that has come in contact with blood is not an easy task. It is recommended that you protect yourself when dealing with blood spills. You can protect yourselves by wearing the right gear. 


Edward Powell