What Makes the Best of the Childcare Choices

What Makes the Best of the Childcare Choices

For families where both partners work and/or study and certainly also for many single-parent families, childcare is necessary to be able to combine work and family.Companies also benefit from sufficient childcare options.

It may be important for them to keep the acquired knowledge and work experience within the organization. More and more parents want to combine childcare with a job. Yet more than half of women quit her job after giving birth, often forced by a lack of childcare. The use of the childcare management software happens to be perfect there.

The importance of childcare:

  • It creates the opportunity to interact with other children and to play and develop.
  • It broadens the educational environment.
  • It has a signaling function for children with a developmental disadvantage.
  • It gives children from smaller families more playmates.
  • It offers a quiet and safe environment to play and relax after school. It offers children a wonderful time full of activities and fun during the
  • With increasing attention to quality in childcare, attention to green pedagogics has also increased.

By being in nature regularly, children become more aware of their environment, sharpen their senses and get to know their possibilities and limits.By researching sand, plants, trees, bugs and other things in nature, they playfully gain a variety of learning experiences and also learn to cope with the unpredictability of nature. With the toddler daily report you can have the best.

The Locations

The locations also can to sow and harvest fruit and vegetables, and as a result, children learn where food comes from.

The children are getting less and less into nature. CBS research shows that about 55 percent of the children (almost) never come into nature. It also appears that playing outside is no longer the most important after-school activity.In a natural environment, children learn to respect nature and become motivated to protect nature.

In a natural environment, children have more opportunity to play without direct supervision than in built-up areas or indoors.

What the Studies Show

Scandinavian studies have shown that playing in a natural environment stimulates help behavior, that conflicts are rare and that boys and girls of different ages play more with each other than in a built environment or indoors. The child care solutions are there perfectly there.

Nature experience contributes to the development of all development areas.Being outside is very healthy because it contributes to physical and sensory development. Children who often play outside develop more agility and muscles. They get more opportunities outside to smell, view, hear, see and feel everything. As a result, they have, for example, a lower risk of asthmatic disorders or a shortage of vitamin D. Playing outside is also an important weapon against obesity.

Being outside has positive effects on mental development. Playing ensures that you learn to solve problems, that you learn to think logically and that you learn to estimate the tasks and meaning of nature. That, in turn, gives a favorable influence on school performance.

Being outside contributes to the social development of the child and the development of the personality (emotional development). The self-motivation increases andsocial competence improves. It can be a good diversion or outlet for pent-up energy.

Clare Louise