Frequency Of Depression

Frequency Of Depression

There is a high number of unreported cases, and the number of depressions is rising steadily. On the surface, women are affected two to three times more often than men. However, if one considers the characteristics of male depression and its different symptoms of increased willingness to take risks, self and external aggressiveness, and increased substance use, then the number of depression levels out between the sexes.

Experts see one of the causes of the rise in depression in the demands of today’s life on people: getting faster and faster, getting started all the time. However, there is no single cause for depression, just as there is no consistent picture of symptoms, but if you are having depression, you might need a doctor like maoi doctor amongst others.

Messenger Substance Balance In The Brain

One of the main reasons for developing depression is a disturbance of the neurotransmitter balance in the brain: Serotonin and noradrenaline are out of balance in the brain circulation. In many cases, the disorder is biological, although depression is not a hereditary disease. A lack of sunlight is considered to be the trigger for the so-called winter depression.

Mentally Stressful Situations

Depression can also be triggered by life events such as job loss, serious illness, or the death of a loved one.

Loss Symptoms

Symptoms of depression are often called “symptoms of lack of power”: joylessness, listlessness, lack of interest, senselessness, hopelessness, worthlessness. Severely depressed people no longer perceive life as worth living, feel infinite emptiness and deep sadness – 5 to 15% of those affected take their own life.

  • More complaints
  • sleep disorders
  • Feelings of fear
  • Drive reduction
  • decreased self-esteem
  • excessive guilt
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • inner unrest

 In depressed men, there is also a tendency to aggressive behavior; symptoms of a so-called “male depression” can be:

  • increased irritability
  • Upset
  • rapid effervescence
  • increased aggression and tantrums
  • Tendency to reproach and resentful behavior
  • increased willingness to take risks
  • excessive exercise
  • extensive alcohol and nicotine consumption
  • Physiological symptoms
  • stomach pain
  • heart problems
  • Backache
  • a headache

Forms Of Depression

Unipolar or bipolar are the two major groups of the disease. While in unipolar depression, only depressive episodes occur in phases of illness, in bipolar depressive and manic episodes (manic-depressive). Both in pure depression and those with manic phases (bipolar affective disorder), there are phases of freedom from symptoms.

Diagnosis Of Depression

A detailed consultation with a doctor – family doctor, then psychiatrist – is always the cornerstone of the diagnosis of depression. Questionnaires also help.

Therapy For Depression

Despite good treatment opportunities, at least 45 percent of those affected do not receive adequate treatment or do not take advantage of it.

The Therapy Consists Of Different Pillars:

The most important pillar of any depression therapy is drug treatment, so-called antidepressants, which are generally effective. The fear of many patients about the risk of addiction is unfounded.

The second mainstay is various forms of psychotherapy.

  • Additional possibilities
  • sleep deprivation
  • Deep brain stimulation
  • Electroconvulsive therapy
  • special music therapy (complementary measure)
  • Animal therapy (complementary measure)
  • Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
  • Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)
  • Light therapy for seasonal depression such as winter depression

Depression: What Else Can You Do?

A self-help group can help you see things through different eyes and bring meaning back into life. Sports therapy and lots of exercise in the great outdoors are also seen as mood enhancers.

If you are unsure whether you are suffering from depression, you can do a self-test (among other things, the Austrian Alliance against Depression and ‘No to Depression’ offer one).

Bonnie Baldwin