Gedung Sate Building: Tourism Landmark Museum Kota Bandung

Gedung Sate has for ages been one of the destinations for tourist within the city of Bandung. Not just local tourists, but also, many overseas tourists come to Gedung Sate because they have got a link between emotions and history within this construction. Gedung Sate is also a cool place for people to unwind, just sit, or exercise while enjoying the clean air of Bandung.
A short story of Gedung Sate
History of Gedung Sate throughout the Dutch East Indies era was known as GouvernementsBedrijen. Gedung Sate was designed by the architect Ir. J. Gerber and his team who also obtained the contribution of this Dutch architect maestro called Dr. Hendrik Petrus Berlage. Even though Dutch architects made the layout, the essentials of traditional archipelago architecture stayed attached into the surface of Gedung Sate Bandung. Gerber incorporates many architectural flows into the Gedung Sate design. He also implemented the Moorish spanish to English motif into his windows and the Italian Rennaisance theme for the construction.
As for the tower, Gerber includes a particular Asian motif, namely the manner of Balinese temple roofs or as pagodas in Thailand. On top of the tower added ornaments skewers with six satays, representing the purchase price of the building which spent six million guilders. Throughout the reign of the Dutch East Indies, the Gedung Sate was initially designed for the Department of Traffic and Public Works, also had the chance to become the center of the Dutch East Indies authorities after Batavia was believed not to have met the requirements. In the Gedung Sate, historical events occurred on December 3, 1945. To memorialize this occasion, a rock monument was made that now is in the front lawn of Gedung Sate.
Why is it called Gedung Sate? Many people are curious and wonder why this structure is called Gedung Sate. The structure that was constructed on July 27, 1920, was initially known as Gedung GB, which stands for Governments Bedrijven. But, slowly, a lot of people call it the Gedung Sate as a result of the logo of a skewer on top of the building or its principal tower.
The skewer emblem is made without reason. The logo that’s comparable to the skewer is a single puncture using six water-resistant guava ornaments. In agreement with the Security Officer at Gedung Sate and a tour guide for Gedung Sate, the decorations were created from green bronze materials. The satay skewers using six ornaments are all-round, representing the price of building the Gedung Sate which spent six million guilders through the Dutch East Indies government.
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