Menopause – 5 Tips to Overcome Post Menopause Problems

According to YES WELLNESS, post-menopause is a term given to women who have not bled starting the first year after being diagnosed with menopause. At this time, the intense menopausal symptoms are more manageable and slowly ease. But unfortunately, not everyone can already pass these menopausal indications for a decade or even longer after this menopausal transition. It is because of the low estrogen levels since the ovaries aren’t producing enough of this hormone due to aging and genetics.

How Post-Menopause Affects the Body

  • There is a higher risk of heart disease because of fluctuations in estrogen because there is insufficient protection in the inner layer of the artery wall that aids in regulating the blood flow
  • Osteoporosis and other bone-related illnesses can occur because the inadequate levels of estrogen also affected the bone formation in the body
  • There will be urinary incontinence and other urinary-related issues because the lower estrogen causes the lining of the urethra to get thinner.
  • Vaginal dryness can occur, which can loosen the libido because of the pain experienced during sexual intercourse. The dryness is also because the insufficient amount of estrogen cannot lubricate the vaginal walls well.
  • Lower metabolic rate also happens, which results in more stored fat, making the woman fatter.

Ways to Overcome Post Menopausal Problems

Proper nutrition

As you age, nutritional levels also start to decline. Nutrient deficiencies can lead to deficiencies in vitamins and minerals, which can trigger worse effects of post-menopause. For instance, Vitamin D and calcium deficiencies can affect bone formation. After menopause, a woman should take 1,200 mg of calcium daily.

Regular exercise

As mentioned, weight gain is another effect of post-menopause. Besides a proper diet, having regular exercise can help to avoid problems in fat storage.

There are various benefits of exercising. Some of these are:

  • Keeps the heart and bones healthy
  • – Improves the mood because of the endorphins, a happy hormone
  • Helps increase the good cholesterol
  • Helps preserve the bone mass in the spine and prevents its fracture
  • Helps relieve stress because of the endorphins

Seek the consultation of a healthcare provider what to take vitamins, treatments, and medications to take. If considering hormone replacement therapy (HRT), it is better to discuss its benefits and health risks first.

Having and maintaining an active lifestyle.

For those that are doing vices like smoking and consuming alcohol, at this point in post menopause, it is better to stop doing these anymore. There will be a higher risk of diseases like stroke, hypertension, and heart attack.

Consider doing relaxation therapy.

Activities that can reduce stress and other emotional and mental concerns can also benefit menopausal women. Tai chi, yoga, meditation, acupuncture, and other relaxing actions can reduce the risk of experiencing anxiety, irritability, mood swings, and stress. Also, these activities can provide a better boost to the emotional and mental well-being of the menopausal woman, making her more functional.

Nicholas Jansen