Moisture analyzer importance in getting the moisture content if the product:

Moisture analyzer importance in getting the moisture content if the product:

It is a fact that the presence of moisture in the product than its limit will damage the product. That is why moisture analyzer is being used by industry to check the product. If the product has more moisture content or not. It is more economical from the perspective of the manufacturer and consumer too. If the food product has more moisture then it is not consumable, and it may have adverse effect when eaten. It’s is also not good for the company reputation. That is why nowadays most of the companies use moisture analyzer for their product.

Just check the sample, and it will tell the moisture content in it. And after the moisture content check only then the product is available for sale. Not only food industry but it is also being used in pharmaceuticals, textile industry and plastic industry too. 

How does moisture analyzer work?

Every moisture analyzer has two units first is weighing unit and second is heating unit. Most of the moisture analyzer uses infrared in the heating unit. First, the sample unit is weighted then after that, heating processes start. After the completion of heating process the sample is again weighted. And by subtracting the weight of after heating process from before heating process the amount of moisture content is determined. This process is known as loss on drying principle. So, every moisture analyzer works on the same principle of loss on drying.

But the best moisture analyzer by using such points

The market is filled with different types of moisture analyzer. Ranging from cheaper to higher price. And every product has some other specification, but mainly the principle is same. But always check these points 

  • Weighing capacity of the moisture analyzer.
  • Readability of the product.
  • Precision.
  • Guaranty or warranty is available or not.
  • Price.

But there is one product which has all these qualities. And this product name is ohaus mb23 moisture analyzer. It has a readability of 0.1% and weighing capacity of 110 grams of sample. And has a pan size of 90mm.

Bonnie Baldwin