Whey Protein for People with IBS and Lactose Intolerance
Whey Protein Isolate is Lower in Lactose
Many people rely on whey protein for the nourishment their body needs. For athletes, proteins are the essential building blocks of muscles. They provide the energy needed to created lean muscles in a readily usable molecular form. Dieters use protein to control their hunger; studies published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and the Journal of Nutrition have shown that a diet high in protein reduces hunger and assists in weight loss. Whey protein is one of the most common forms of protein supplements. It is a low-fat protein that has many health benefits. It can be found in bars, shakes and powders. However, whey protein may not be right for everyone. People who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or lactose intolerance might want to avoid whey protein. The dairy in this type of protein could trigger symptoms related to IBS and lactose intolerance.
Whey Protein
The first time many people heard of whey protein, they were in preschool. The nursery rhyme goes, “Little Miss Muffet sat on her Tuffet, eating her curds and whey”. Whey is a dairy byproduct that is produced when cheese is made. In the cheese making process, curds are separated from whey. Whey can also be found on the top of yogurt. The light yellow or clear liquid that floats at the top of a yogurt container is whey. Whey protein is a dairy product.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
IBS is a condition that is found in the intestinal tract. Symptoms of IBS include bloating, gas, abdominal pain, cramps, muscle spasms, diarrhea and constipation. In people who have IBS, these symptoms may be triggered by stress foods. Stress foods vary from person to person, but can include dairy, caffeine, alcohol, and chocolate.
Lactose Intolerance
Lactose intolerance’s symptoms are identical to those of IBS. However, the trigger of these symptoms is different for people suffering from lactose intolerance than those with IBS. When lactose, a sugar found in dairy products, cannot be digested, people suffer uncomfortable symptoms.
Dairy Products with IBS and Lactose Intolerance
People who suffer from either of these conditions are often advised to avoid dairy products. Anyone who is lactose intolerant cannot properly digest anything containing dairy. With IBS, it is often difficult to precisely diagnose stress foods. Usually, people elect to avoid all potential stress foods, including dairy. Therefore, whey protein might not be the best source of protein for these people, because it contains lactose and other dairy products. Whey protein contains the essential amino acids people need for a healthy lifestyle. With these proteins, athletes can build lean muscles and dieters can lose weight. Everyone needs protein, and whey protein is a nutritious way to supplement many diets. However, anyone who suffers from IBS or lactose intolerance should consult with their individual physician before increasing their consumption of whey protein. As the protein contains dairy products, it might cause undesired symptoms. A personal doctor can guide individuals to the best source of protein, which will meet their specific needs.