What An Industrial Sewing Machine Can Do

Most of you will picture an industrial sewing machine in a fashion setting – typically in a clothing factory producing colourful garment after colourful garment. But that’s a very narrow view of industrial sewing machines; as you’re about to read, they are able to make so much more than trendy clothes and are used in a wide range of industries.
For a start, industrial sewing machines and furniture go hand in hand, with the heavy-duty machines used in the manufacture of sofas and office chairs, as well as soft furnishings such as cushions and beanbags. In the same room or office, the blinds and curtains that are used to furnish the windows also require the input of larger industrial sewing machinery. This will typically include roller blind cutting machines through to heavy-duty needle-feed lockstitches which are designed to work with thick blackout fabrics.
A wide range of automotive components are also dependent on the use of industrial sewing and cutting machines. This includes manufacturing headrests, leather and vinyl interiors, lumbar patterns, seat stitching and steering wheels, as well as less common applications such as the production of truck sheet curtains and car covers.
While we generally associate clothes with industrial sewing machines, another type of fashion is produced on them, namely footwear. A lot of shoes are glued together these days, but industrial cutting and sewing machines are still widely used in this industry. After all, shoe materials such as leather require machines capable of doing heavy cutting and sewing work, with an emphasis on speed, accuracy and stitch quality.
Finally, with COVID being so talked about, we must mention the increasing demand for industrial sewing machines in the health field. Anything from Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including masks and gowns to things like modesty curtains and pillow covers for use in a sterile medical environment are manufactured on larger machines. These machines have the power and speed to quickly produce what is required and to keep up with the growing need for this type of gear. Sadly, it seems that demand will continue for some time yet.
With this extreme versatility, it’s no surprise that industrial sewing machines, as sold by this leading New Zealand retailer, come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Given what is produced on these machines, quality needs to reach the highest levels and this is where the reliability and power of industrial machines truly come into their own.